Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Graphic Organizer

Introduction: The media has produced a false image of ideal women and therefore, has led numerous teens to take extreme measures to achieve this ideal image.

Area of support 1: Media portrays this ideal image to enable companies to make a profit. Businesses have such items as weight loss pills, weight loss programs, beauty products, clothing, and aging products. These are all products sold to the public to “help” women achieve this ideal image and also helping businesses by making large profits from these sales.

Area support 2:  The ideal image leads women to suffer from emotional distress. Because they don’t feel like they are good enough, they find themselves feeling hopeless with los self esteem.

Area support 3:  Now children as young as 5 years old are affected by this media ideal.

Area support 4: Women take extreme measures to achieve this ideal image. These measures are plastic surgery and eating disorders.

Conclusion: Media plays a large role in the lives of the young which affects them throughout their lives. They try to make a large profit through the expense of women’s psychological development.


  1. I like the topic of media that you chose because you can do so much with it. Your four support areas are things you can definately expand on and provide a lot of details for. It seems as if you have a variety of things to talk about from the drastic measures of woman getting plastic surgery to just simple emotional stress that can be caused from watching watching or seeing something advertised in the media.

  2. Looks great, Katia. My only suggestion would be to include the other side in your thesis. You could phrase it something along the lines of "Although some may believe..." The important thing is to frame your position in a way that clearly makes it arguable.
